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    On April 11, 2024, in room 116 of the University of Economics – Varna, a round table was held on the topic “Innovative approaches in human resources management: Examples from practice”. The round table was held within the framework of the project “Impact of digitalization on innovative approaches in human resources management”, financed by the “Scientific Research” Fund.

    📌 Representatives of the academic circles from UNSS, IU-Varna, University of Szczecin and University of Information Technology and Management, Poland, Ala-Too University, Kyrgyzstan and experts in the field of human resources management participated in the forum.

    🎤 Assoc. Prof. Katya Antonova, PhD and Ch. Assist. Prof. Radka Nacheva, PhD presented the project and the scientific results so far.

    🎤 Prof. Miroslava Peycheva, PhD, head of work package 1 “Theoretical-methodological issues in the study of digitalization and its impact on human resource management approaches” presented results of her research, supported by examples from specific companies and summarized in the topic ” Innovative practices in human resources activity’. Some of these HR practices are related to employee well-being, attraction and selection, digital learning and development, employee branding and a culture of mutual recognition.

    🎤 Bilyana Velkova, People Operations and County Director at Fourth Bulgaria shared innovative practices from her company’s activities related to electronic labor files, recruitment and selection, the introduction of gamification in some of the activities, the employer brand and the software they use to digitize part of HR processes.

    The roundtable discussion was structured around four key questions:

    ❓ What are the key activities of the HRM process that digitization has an impact on?

    ❓ Are innovation approaches to HRM equally applicable in different economic sectors?

    ❓ What software do companies use in the HR process and what tasks do they automate with it?

    ❓ Is it possible that digitization has a negative impact on HRM approaches and activities in different economic sectors?

    🙏 We thank all participants for the fruitful discussion and shared practical experience!

    📓 The presented opinions, summaries, specific useful practices and specific case studies will be published in a practical guide intended for company managers, HRM practitioners, students and other interested parties.

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