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The implementation of the project is planned to take place in accordance with the following work packages and activities:

  1. Work package 1: Theoretical-methodological issues in the study of digitization and its impact on human resource management approaches
    1. Task 1.1. Building a theoretical and informational platform for the needs of the project
    2. Task 1.2. Building a methodological platform for research purposes
    3. Task 1.3. Research and analysis of the applicability of innovative approaches to HRM in different sectors
  2. Work package 2: Research and analysis of the impact of digitization on people management in a multi-sector environment
    1. Task 2.1. Digitization of key activities of the HRM process
    2. Task 2.2. Creating a HRM system based on digital transformations
    3. Task 2.3. An innovative HRM model development based on digital transformation in selected sectors
  3. Work package 3: Development of innovative approaches and practices for HRM as a result of digitization in a multi-sectoral environment
    1. Task 3.1. Digitization of workplaces
    2. Task 3.2. Development of a conceptual model for a digital information system prototype based on innovative HRM approaches
    3. Task 3.3. Expert evaluation of the conceptual model for a digital information system prototype
  4. Work package 4: Dissemination of scientific results
    1. Task 4.1. Dissemination of the achieved results of the study of theoretical and methodological issues related to digitalization of HRM approaches
    2. Task 4.2. Dissemination of the achieved research results on the impact of digitalization on people management in a multi-sector environment
    3. Task 4.3. Dissemination of the achieved results of the research on innovative approaches and practices for HRM

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